How To Choose The Best Metering Mode For Street Photography
Street Photography Joe Redski Street Photography Joe Redski

How To Choose The Best Metering Mode For Street Photography

‘When I first started on my photography journey, I watched a couple of YouTube videos on metering, then set my camera to evaluative metering, (which measures the whole scene) and never thought about metering again, up until I became a street photographer. Now all I do is think about metering! Well, that's not exactly true, but I sometimes have to adjust my metering mode depending upon the subject that I am shooting on the streets and the light conditions that they are in.’

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How to Start Street Photography - A Definitive Guide for Beginners
Street Photography Joe Redski Street Photography Joe Redski

How to Start Street Photography - A Definitive Guide for Beginners

‘Street photography is the kind of photographic genre that you can do without too much fuss. Unlike Landscape Photography, you seldom need to get up at the crack of dawn. Unlike Wildlife Photography you don't need to spend hours waiting in insect riddled grass waiting for your subject to walk into frame, and you don't need to ask people to pose in a certain way and fiddle around with bright lights, as you would with portrait photography.’

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