Street and Urban Photography Blog

Night Street Photography - Protect Your Highlights

‘I hit the streets of Rye the other night. It's definitely tourist season, there were loads of people around. It's not so great if you want peace and quiet, but it certainly is great if you're shooting street photography.’

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What Makes a Photo Nostalgic? - Seascapes and Street Photography on the Kent Coast

‘Holiday memories - Just thinking about those two words causes the brain to start creaking and dusting itself off. The hippocampus yawns and wakes up.’

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Streetscape - How to shoot Street and Seascape Photography on a Cornwall Beach

‘I literally jumped from the frying pan into the fire when I first started my outdoor photography journey.

I fell into street photography by accident when I visited the beautiful beach of Perranporth, Cornwall. I was kind of amazed by how my images actually turned out, considering I was a complete novice photographer at the time.’

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13 Tips for Shooting Urban Landscape Photography at Night

‘'Where are you going with this?' you might be thinking...

Well, if you take these landscape photography composition rules and apply them to your street photography, you will be creating urban landscape images.’

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The Best Aperture To Use For Street Photography

‘Aperture is fundamental for Street Photography because you want your subject to be in focus, but at the same time, you also want the background to be in focus as it provides context for your image’

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How to Choose the Best ISO for Night Street Photography

‘If you're shooting Street Photography at night, depending on the amount of ambient light, you will want to use an ISO value of approximately 1600 - 6400’

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5 Urban Night Photography Composition Tips

‘Light, Layers and Framing. I am constantly thinking about these compositional elements when I am shooting Urban Night Photography. Here are explanations of how I utilise them in my work and will hopefully provide some tools for you to use when you are out shooting.’

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The Best Camera Settings for Urban Night & Street Photography

‘I have spent endless nights experimenting with camera settings so that I can take decent night Urban Photography images without having to worry about changing them too often. Here are some of my tried and tested settings for you to try out.’

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How to Easily & Cheaply Convert a Manfrotto Geared Head to Acra Swiss

A simple adapter like the one below, bought for only £7.99. It comes with an Allen Key (don't you just love Allen Keys? ;) For my US friends, the same branded product is only $10.99 at

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