Shutter Priority is a Great Mode for Beginner Street Photographers
‘When you select Shutter Priority, it is important to know that, whilst you have full control over the Shutter Speed, the camera will pick the Aperture. What Aperture the camera chooses is dependent on how slow or fast the Shutter Speed that you have chosen is, and also how low or high your chosen ISO, is.’

My Awesome Settings for Night Street Photography (and Why You Should Use Them Too)
I know this from first-hand experience - it can be a minefield knowing what settings to use for your night street photography pursuits. That's why I've created this handy guide to the settings that I currently use, that hopefully, you can use too.

How To Choose The Right Shutter Speed For Night Street Photography
‘In order to get sharp shots at night, you will need a fairly fast Shutter Speed of around 1/125 sec - 1/200 sec. If you pick a slower value you risk the chance of getting blurry shots. If you go much faster, depending on your ISO value, you risk your exposure becoming underexposed.’